This is an official take-apart guide to the MacBook Pro 17" Unibody with model number A1297.



3 years ago
My 17 Inch Macbook Pro Unibody will not go to sleep when I close the lid. Do you have suggestion on how to fix this problem? Thanks.


6 years ago
I have changed ram sticks many times in my macbook pro but this time while I tried to change the crucial memories I accidentally got it jammed (I did not fully insert it) and got stuck in place. How can I remove it without disassemble the logic board? Is there any replacement part for this broken bracket?

Powerbook Medic

6 years ago
@Jasper - Do you know if it is booting up but you just can't see anything? Like if you adjust the volume after a minute can you hear the volume sound? If so it is most likely an issue with your display, display cable, the connection to the logic board, or the GPU.


6 years ago
I replaced my A1297s logic board with a reconditioned one. I bought on eBay my idea was to then send you my logic board for repair so that I have a backup. But now the machine is not working. 1. When I press the power button it does not react at all - battery shows 3 green points. 2. When I connect power the machine gives Apple sound and fans start running. Battery shows it is charging. But no screen nothing. I do not just want to take everything out again in a mindless fashion. Any ideas where to search.


9 years ago
This is the right Apple Reportedly Set to Launch new Mac Mini with iPad Mini | Think Tek journal for anoyne who wants to seek out out almost this substance. You request so overmuch its near wearing to present with you (not that I really would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new prolong on a message thats been typewritten nigh for age. Overnice lug, simply uppercase!

Powerbook Medic

10 years ago
@Mauro - we have a separate video for the 13-inch glass and LCD removal. You can use that as a guide. It is similar.

Mauro Diaz @YoSoyElDiestro

10 years ago
How do I remove and replace the screen? Thx :D


11 years ago
I have a 17inch MacBook Pro. some water got in and now it won't turn on. Where do you recommend, getting a new board from? The battery meter shows full battery. When I press the power button, to computer does not do anything. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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