Price:   $32.59
Quantity:   1 item(s) available
SKU:   CP_4_3620
Condition:   Grade B
Weight:   0.80 lbs
Please Note: Billing and Shipping addresses must match and be confirmed with your credit card company or any order with this product will be canceled.


Includes phone and a used battery only. No sim card, SD card, AC adapter, cases, cables, manuals, original packaging or anything else included. The front glass has a bunch of scratches. There is no LCD burn/tint. There are scuffs/nicks/scratches on the edges/side of the phone and the rear casing. No Google accnt lock. Has a good IMEI and the cellular service is locked to the carrier Verizon's prepaid services.

Some Motorola devices require USB 3.0 AC adapter and will not charge with USB 2.0 AC adapter. Make sure you have the correct AC adapter before purchasing this device. Many Motorola phones require the exact right model of chrger to be used with a particular model of phone.
Compatible With:
Suggested Items for Installation:
Grade B

Includes phone and a used battery only. No sim card, SD card, AC adapter, cases, cables, manuals, original packaging or anything else included. The front glass has a bunch of scratches. There is no LCD burn/tint. There are scuffs/nicks/scratches on the edges/side of the phone and the rear casing. No Google accnt lock. Has a good IMEI and the cellular service is locked to the carrier Verizon's prepaid services.
60 Day PowerbookMedic Warranty
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